Children's Ministry
"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'"
Matthew 19:14
PCC prides itself on being a Church for the whole family and we enjoy ministering to both Adults and Children! We offer Children's Church for babies through 3rd grade, or as parents see fit. Children in 4th grade and up are welcome and invited to stay in the service and activity packets are available for them.
Children are part of the community and may participate in worship services as they desire. Older and younger children are encouraged to attend with their families. Children will not have to stay during the sermon but will be provided their own “children’s church” downstairs, with caring adults who communicate God’s love in Christ to them. All of our volunteers have been thoroughly background checked. There is also spaces for parents to utilize for feeding and changing.